Hanson Revisits Discography and Introduces New Album in Cain’s Ballroom Concert Series | Music



Taylor Hanson, one of the group’s three brothers, said no one thought they approached the show series that way. When asked how the idea came about, he said everyone is looking for creative ways to get viewers out of the pandemic.

“I’m really grateful for what we did last year,” he said. “We saw a lot of engagement from our fans when we were able to do limited face-to-face and streaming shows, so when we wanted to develop new music, we went to cities all over the world. I knew the face-to-face tour was still a bit far away, but we didn’t want to wait, release new music. “

Hanson finds a way to take the music step by step to his fans (the single “Against the World” is released monthly), whether all shows in the concert series are live or streamed. I wanted him to feel sturdy and unique. live. The combination of these factors started the series.

Taylor said: “One of the cool things about our career is that we’ve released enough albums and been on the market for enough years, so no gig can sum up all the work… There is has so much that most gigs don’t include, especially with 6-7 albums and decades. Most of all, these shows make people feel like they are part of a big story and every night. a reflection of us looking for a way to get excited to see something a little different. “

Hanson Revisits Discography and Introduces New Album in Cain’s Ballroom Concert Series | Music

Source Link Hanson Revisits Discography and Introduces New Album in Cain’s Ballroom Concert Series | Music



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